As a Scout

  • Joined the 39th Colombo Scout Troop as a Junior Scout in 1979
  • Appointed as an Asst. Patrol Leader in 1980 & Patrol Leader in 1981
  • Elected Chairman of the COH and Troop Leader in 1982
  • Elected Chairman of the 1st Scout Youth Forum held in Sri Lanka in 1983
  • Elected by the NSO as 1 out of 2 to represent Sri Lanka at the 7th Australian Venture 1984/85
  • Has taken a leading role in 7 Colombo Scout Gang Shows & produced the “ Prep Scout Gang Show” in 1989 & 1991
  • Was a member of the Organising Committee from the age of 14 years (as the only scout among leaders) of Colombo Scout Camporees and has been serving since 1981 to date different capacities
  • Won the Scout Green Cord the highest Award for a Junior Scout in 1982
  • Awarded the President’s Scout Award in 1984